Books (recommendations)

Here are some books I'd personally recommend (in no particular order )

Old Tradition Crafte
Translated by Robin Artisan Edited by Joel Radcliffe.

Old Tradition Crafte presents authentic Witchcrafte of Scottish and English origin. The practices and rituals herein date upto and beyond the era of Dr. John Fian’s demise at the hands of the Inquisitors and King James VI, in 1591. Book is in three sections; Stone Magic, The Guild and Dr. Fian's Spell Books 

Defences Against the Witches' Craft: Anti-cursing Charms from English Folk Magick, Traditional Witchcraft and the Grimoire Traditions

English Root Magician John Canard provides insights on how to find out if you have been cursed, detecting the perpetrator through dowsing, how to destroy magickal links, nail footprints, work with Church Grims and construct the Archangel Haniel's charm. Drawing from his own extensive research of English folk magick, the grimoire traditions, witchcraft and cunning - the author shares                                         many unique insights and rare lore never published before.

The Call of the Horned Piper

A practical Grimoire of Traditional Witchcraft. Covering the archetypes & myths of the Traditional Craft exploring the inner symbology of the old Witchcraft religion, the sacred cycle, working tools, incantations, spells, path working, spirit lines, knots & thread lore & more. The text is complimented beautifully by the author's original artwork

Witchcraft - A Tradition Renewed by Evan John Jones and Doreen Valiente.
Although not directly written by Robert Cochrane it is very much based upon his ideas and work. An absolute must for anyone wishing to get away from Wicca and other forms of more, shall we say 'fluffy' magic.
(I should also point out that some of Cochrane's claims of legitimate heritage are rather dubious and should be taken with a large pinch of salt- a great book nevertheless)

 Children of Cain - A History of Traditional Witchcraft

Based on over forty years of research and private collaboration with practitioners, Michael Howard’s Children of Cain is the definitive history of Traditional Witchcraft and its key operatives in Britain and the United States. Supplemented with diverse photographs and illustrations, many appearing for the first time, the book artfully encompasses the unique legacy of Traditional Witchcraft - those who bear the Mark of the Exile as a sign of hidden power: the Children of Cain.

 The Psalter of Cain - various

The Psalter of Cain consists of a series of devotional magical works to Cain, holy ancestor of sorcerers. Its magical foci are dedicated specifically to the Ancestral Manes of the Sabbatic Current, the shade-mothers and fathers of the Companie of the Wise. - from Xoanon web page

Gemma Gary -  The Black Toad

Gemma Gary's The Black Toad explores potent examples of the folk-ceremonial magical practices and witchcraft of the south-west of England; dealing especially with Devon and the author’s homeland of Cornwall. Within the West Country, the popular belief in witchcraft and its attendant charms, magical practices and traditions continued to be observed and survived long after such ways had faded in most other parts of the British Isles.

Gemma Gary - Traditional Witchcraft A Cornish Book of Ways

Another fantastic title from Gary.
Traditional Witchcraft - A Cornish Book of Ways is a 21st century version of traditional Cornish witchcraft, of the kind recorded by Hunt, Bottrell and others. This is no neo-pagan or modern wiccan manual, but rather a deep drawing up into modern times of some of the ancient practices of lore and magic practiced by the white witches, charmers, conjurers and pellars of the Cornish villages

The Graveyard Wanderers, The Wise Ones and the Dead in Sweden

The author translated 37 manuscripts books known as 'Svartkonstbuchs' (i.e., black art book) which Scandanavian practitioners of folk magic were expected to possess. This work collects together all those charms and rituals dealing with spirits of the dead and human bones, with the addition of some other relevant material. What emerges is a remarkably coherent and straightforward system of Necromantic magic (rare but amazing book)

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